The Broken Land

“The Broken Land,” “Man on Fire,”
“Loss,” “Three Short Stories About Death”
X-Men Red #1-4
Written by Al Ewing
Art by Stefano Caselli (#1-3), Juann Cabal, Andrés Genolet, Michael Sta. Maria (#4)
Color art by Federico Blee

X-Men Red is a very bold and new kind of X-Men series, one with a premise that would have been entirely inconceivable prior to 2020. This is the series exploring the culture of the Arrakii mutants introduced in X of Swords, who now reside on a terraformed Mars that has been declared the capital of the solar system without consulting with any of the humans who happen to live there. Storm has emerged as the Regent of Arrako, and is the first Earth mutant to become part of the Great Ring, the Arrakii equivalent of the Quiet Council. She remains on that council, though Magneto has quit to take up residence on the red planet. Sunspot is also living on Arrako and appears to be gradually working towards some personal agenda, and Cable is there along with Abigail Brand, continuing on from where Ewing’s previous X-Men series SWORD left off. (Whoops, sorry, I meant to write about that after it concluded but never did. It was mostly very good.)

Ewing spends some time developing the members of the Great Ring, but the book is really about the Krakoan mutants and how they adjust to living with totally different customs and the question of how much they should attempt to shape the future of a people they have no history with. 

Sunspot initially seems the most eager to bring a bit of Earth culture to Mars, but it’s his way to play dumb while gradually working towards something bigger in plain sight. He and Brand are the mutants with the widest perspective – his experiences with the Shi’ar make him think on a galactic scale. But while Sunspot sees a universe full of opportunities, Brand can only see a great game of grim intergalactic politics and is plotting to decrease the wider influence of both Arrako and Krakoa.

Storm, always a person of great integrity, rejects her regal trappings and finds herself reliving the time she defeated Callisto in battle and took on leadership of the Morlocks but on a far grander scale. Practice has not made it any easier, and she seems to be so occupied by maintaining her credibility and spinning the plates of her many responsibilities that she can’t devote enough time to figuring out exactly what the now overtly evil Brand is up to. 

Magneto, on the other hand, comes to the red planet utterly humbled and broken, and finds himself accidentally accruing power and joining the Great Ring after defeating Tarn the Uncaring, the Arrakii’s answer to both Hitler and Mengele, in a duel. This story, which plays out in the third issue, is where Ewing makes it clear what kind of series he’s writing. It’s brutal and thrilling, and one which constantly tests the mettle of its leads. Magneto’s triumph over Tarn is one of the most exciting things I’ve read in a superhero comic in years. Ewing and Stefano Caselli pace the sequence masterfully, leaving room for suspense even after Sunspot uses Isca the Unbeaten’s power to never lose against her in order to make Magneto’s victory a foregone conclusion. Tarn, one of the best new mutant X-Men villains in years, had already been developed by Zeb Wells in Hellions and Ewing in SWORD, so his loss carries weight particularly in light of the Arrakii’s rejection of mutant resurrection. It hard to be Tarn for this plot beat to work – someone formidable, endlessly cruel, and already established to be the most hated man on Arrako. 

At the end of the third issue Ewing positions Magneto not just as a member of the Great Ring, but as a hero to all Arrakii for slaying Tarn. By the end of the fifth issue – which I’ll write about later on – circumstances shift power to Magneto’s seat on the Ring. It seems to me that Ewing is gradually writing a story in which Magneto gets to live the dream of his younger self as a beloved leader on an entire planet of mutants, but it’s all cursed. As we move ahead with this series it seems that the tension will be the question of what happens as Magneto acclimates to power in this world, and how it may pit him against his allies Storm and Sunspot. It looks a lot like Ewing is slowly building a situation in which Magneto may actually find himself in direct conflict with Charles Xavier and the X-Men, but in a totally fresh way. 

• Stefano Caselli, who has already done strong work on Marauders, SWORD, and Inferno, has risen to the occasion of Ewing’s plots. He’s very good with pacing and drama, and in depicting nuance in facial expressions. I was particularly impressed by a page in the third issue in which Magneto cycles through facial expressions in nine panels, his agitation subtly emphasized by the equally sized panels not neatly fitting into a grid. 

• Federico Blee’s color art is essential to this series, his bright palette of mostly warm colors always signaling to the reader that they’re on a planet with a very light and atmosphere. He does a lot of work to make sure everything feels alien and surreal and geologically pristine, and maintains a sharp contrast with scenes set in the cold lighting of Brand’s space station or the more blue-green hues of Krakoa. It’s incredibly thoughtful work, something which ought to raise his profile as a colorist in the medium. 

• The guest artists on the fourth issue are well chosen, and fit Ewing’s established MO from his past work on Immortal Hulk and Guardians of the Galaxy of making sure that shifts in art style are matched to shifts in narrative style. In this case, we get three vignettes on the theme of death before… well, we’ll get to that later. Juann Cabal and Andrés Genolet both do fine work in that issue, but I was most impressed by Michael Sta. Maria. I wasn’t familiar with his art before this issue, but I’d be quite happy for him to return to this book. 


“X of Swords: Chapter 11”
X of Swords: Stasis
Written by Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard
Art by Pepe Larraz and Mahmud Asrar
Color art by Marte Gracia

• The issue opens with more dazzling worldbuilding from Pepe Larraz, who establishes the look of five kingdoms within Otherworld in five evocative half-page panels. I’m particularly impressed by his design for the angular and minimalist architecture in the Kingdom of Sevalith throne room and the dusty junk shop vibe of Jim Jaspers’Crooked Market. I also love his designs in Saturnyne’s Starlight Citadel, particularly the quasi Deco aesthetics of the elevator scene at the end of the issue. Larraz’s raw draftsmanship is extraordinary, but the way he pulls in visual reference points from the more stylish ends of art and design history really pushes him over the top – even a lot of his most impressive peers can’t step to the casual sophistication of his post-House of X pages. 


• The parliament scene at the top of the issue further teases the question of what’s going on in Mercator, this time all but confirming that the realm has been taken over by the nearly omnipotent omega mutant Absolon “Mr. M” Mercator. The design of the unnamed representatives of Mercator is very creepy, recalling the sort of faceless enigma figures of Grant Morrison and Richard Case’s Doom Patrol but also ceremonial religious garb, kind of an ultra-goth Catholicism thing. Mercator is a very obscure character that has not been used in many years, so I get the impression Hickman and his writing staff will be reinventing him quite a bit – there’s not really anything from his previous appearances to suggest conquering realms and lording over these sort of solemn weirdos is something he’d be into. But hey, if you’re all-powerful, why not play god? This may turn out to be the most literal exploration of Magneto’s “you have new gods now” annunciation at the start of Hickman’s run. 

• Mahmud Asrar’s pages in this issue depict the gathering of the Swordbearers of Arrako and introduce a few as-yet unseen characters – Redroot the Forest who turns out to be a rough analog to Cypher as the “voice of Arrako,” Pogg Ur-Pogg who’s basically an endlessly greedy crocodile-like monster from Amenth, and the somewhat inscrutable warrior Bei the Blood Moon. The most intriguing scene involves Famine and Death recruiting the ancient White Sword of the Ivory Spire, who has a complicated backstory that puts him at odds with Annihilation and the Horsemen going back centuries. I’m not that invested in the details of this so much as I find it interesting that Saturnyne’s selection of Arraki swordbearers are not at all a united front. Aside from White Sword’s ancient vendetta, there’s also the bad blood between War and Solem, and the non-mutant Pogg Ur-Pogg mostly seems like an agent of chaos who does not care at all about the Arraki mutants. Is this Saturnyne’s way of sabotaging the Arraki champions and giving favor to Krakoa and Avalon? 

• The issue ends on the reveal that the Golden Helm of Annihilation is worn by none other than Apocalypse’s wife Genesis, which isn’t at all surprising – like, I just kinda figured this was the case just from looking at early promo images and the plot has been unsubtly gesturing towards this all along – but it does land with the appropriate emotional impact on Apocalypse, for whom this is indeed a soul-shattering shock. Hickman and Howard continue to make Apocalypse a genuinely empathetic figure, and at this point it’s quite moving to see him process such immense disappointment and betrayal. They’ve succeeded in making this character an underdog and having that reversal be poignant in that his whole reason for being for all these years was his disdain for underdogs. 


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X of Swords: Creation
Written by Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard
Art by Pepe Larraz
Color art by Marte Gracia

I’m shifting format slightly for this one, this is all going to be in “some notes” format.

• Pepe Larraz’s return to X-Men a little over a year after the end of House of X is as auspicious as it ought to be – the triple-sized opening chapter of a major crossover, as befitting an artist who has emerged as a defining – and more importantly redefining – artist on this franchise. Larraz’s pages here are top quality and play to his strengths in world-building and his raw talent for drawing evocative environments, nuanced body language, thoughtful page layouts, and perfectly paced and composed dramatic moments. It feels like a gift to read pages as well illustrated as this – the level of craft is above and beyond, particularly in a thing like the opening panel of the issue in which he effectively depicts a vast army with incredible elegance and economy of line. 

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• The issue re-uses, recontextualizes, and in some cases alters the pages previously seen in the Free Comic Book Day special promoting this event. The tarot reading sequence feels right as the proper beginning of the story rather than merely a trailer for it, and I appreciate them using the obscure mutant Tarot’s interpretation of the cards drawn as a text page. It’s a clever bit of hand-holding for those of us who are either only dimly aware of tarot or totally ignorant. It’s interesting to note that the figures on The Hanged Man card have been changed somewhat – Banshee to Siryn, Glob to Rockslide, Trinary to Summoner – but I suppose that’s simply a result of plot revision. 

• Archangel was mostly played as a joke in his Angel persona in Empyre: X-Men, so it’s nice to see him depicted more seriously in this story, where his extremely fraught relationship with Apocalypse is foregrounded to highlight that while he’s essentially the protagonist of this crossover the X-Men have a very bad history of being traumatized by him. 

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• It’s also nice to see Monet once again at the forefront of a story, as she drives much of the action plot in the second half of the issue in which the X-Men confront Saturnyne. Between this, House of X, Empyre X-Men, and Giant Size X-Men: Storm, Monet has been positioned as a major X-Men character and this makes a lot of sense – she’s a character with a big personality and a diverse list of extraordinary powers, making her an obvious person to place on the front lines of any battle. I like the way the typically haughty Monet is set up as a foil to the even haughtier Saturnyne here, and her casual mention that she’d be interested in taking Saturnyne’s job at some point. Maybe that’s just a funny line, or maybe it’s foreshadowing – we’ll just have to wait and see. 

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• In the lead-up to X of Swords we were led to believe that Apocalypse was the one pulling all the strings, but as we see in this issue he’s been manipulated just as much as he’s been manipulating the mutants of Krakoa. His Caesar-esque betrayal by Summoner and his the Horsemen is hardly a surprise but still hits with some emotional resonance and we’re fully aware of what a crushing disappointment this is for Apocalypse after centuries of waiting to be reunited with his lost family. And of course, at the end of this issue we see that Saturnyne has been playing everyone all along, and has set up a conflict for her amusement or potential gain in which he’s only just a pawn. It looks like a big part of this story will be Apocalypse being forced into true humility. 

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• At least a third of this story is rooted in the Captain Britain mythos developed by Alan Davis, Alan Moore, and Chris Claremont in the 1980s – most obviously the presence of two Captains Britain in Betsy and Brian Braddock, but also Saturnyne, the Starlight Citadel, and Otherworld. The map of Otherworld is intriguing, with references to expected characters like Jamie Braddock, Roma, and Merlyn, but also a few somewhat unexpected characters from this mythos like Mad Jim Jaspers and The Fury. The most surprising thing here is the suggestion that the missing all-powerful omega mutant Absolon “Mister M” Mercator is most likely the “unknown” regent of a realm called Mercator.

• The biggest curveball in this opening chapter by far is the revelation at the end of the issue that somehow S.W.O.R.D., the intergalactic intelligence agency created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday in Astonishing X-Men, is somehow part of Saturnyne’s scheme. I can barely even speculate on how that fits into all this with Arrako and Amenth and Otherworld, but I like the feeling of having no idea where this plot is going. 

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• As the issue ends we learn that the macguffin driving the plot of this crossover will be some kind of tournament between the swordbearers of Arrako and Krakoa, and we’re given the name of ten swords that will be wielded by X-Men who’ve been indicated on either the Ten of Swords card in the reading early in the issue or the covers of forthcoming issues.

Some of the swords are obvious – Magik possesses the Soul Sword, Cable recently acquired The Light of Galador in his solo series, Cypher is bonded with Warlock. The Sword of Might would be Brian Braddock and the Starlight Sword would be Betsy Braddock. Skybreaker would be for Storm and The Scarab would be for Apocalypse given their respective themes as characters. Gorgon has a history with Grasscutter and Godkiller in previous Hickman comics, and I would assume Magneto would take the latter if just for the pompous name. Muramasa, a blade infused with Wolverine’s soul, is obviously meant for him, which is troubling as that one also appears as the 11th sword of Arrako. Hmmm.



X-Men #12
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Leinil Francis Yu
Color art by Sunny Gho

“Amenth” is a tremendously ambitious issue focused almost exclusively on world-building in advance of the X of Swords epic beginning next week. It’s quite a lot to take in. In 14 pages we’re presented with Summoner’s abridged history of centuries of a mutant society stranded in the fallen world of Amenth after the “Twilight Sword” of “the enemy” split Okkara into Krakoa and Arrako. We learn that the mutants of Arrako are led by Genesis, the wife of Apocalypse. Genesis was betrayed by a fellow mutant and killed by Annihilation, the god of Amenth. As we enter X of Swords, Apocalypse is called on to liberate the surviving mutants of Arrako from the siege of Annihilation and the hordes of Amenth. We’re left with some question of Apocalypse’s motives at the time of Okkara’s split, and his motives now. 

It’s all very good set up for the next big story, and establishes the most radical changes to X-Men mythology since House of X/Powers of X. The notion of an entire separate lost mutant society with centuries of history is wild, as is the revelation that Apocalypse is not the first mutant but rather the first of the second generation of mutantdom. There’s still quite a bit of story ahead in X of Swords, but it seems to me that the likely result of that story is the first level up in mutant society in terms of the galactic scale presented in Powers of X #2. It’s the next step in the evolution of Krakoa as a society towards greater scale as the macro story moves along – the alliance with the Shi’ar being an eventual logical step, and I suspect we’ll eventually see Krakoa ascend to some stage of “worldmind.” And then, maybe in the end…the Phalanx. 


This is Leinil Francis Yu’s final issue as the regular artist on this series and his work in conveying the grand scale of this plot is outstanding. Hickman’s plot is extremely demanding, with pages in which every other panel represents major historical moments on a large scale, and Yu delivers without making it all feel too heavy and overwhelming. I particularly like the way he drew the sequence with Genesis entering palace of Annihilation – it feels both Biblical and alien, and full of small details that suggest yet more history to be told. Yu has been a mainstay of Marvel Comics – and of X-Men projects – for over 20 years, and his work on this past year of X-Men with Hickman has been a career pinnacle for him. They’ve worked together on Avengers in the past, and in that series he was also pushed to draw sci-fi on a grand scale. It’s another example of Hickman seeing what an artist is truly capable of and pushing them to the next level. 

Onwards to X of Swords